November 29, 2010

{A} Gap Cowl Scarf, {B} A Kanken Classic, {C} Gap socks, {D} Interchangable Knitting Needles, {E} Gap ribbed tights, {F} Old Navy Beaded Cardigan, {G} Old Navy Cardigan in Silverback, {H} Old Navy Cardigan in Cocoa

My mom usually requires our Christmas lists by Thanksgiving, but since I'm so far away she gives me a little leeway. My birthday is in November and she bought me every single thing I put on my birthday list and all were for my freelance photography business. What can I say, I have the best momma ever! She always spoils me rotten.

So this year Billy and I didn't want anything for Christmas excepts contributions towards my visa that we have to renew in January. But of course momma wouldn't have that. She says she doesn't care if she gets anything because the fun for her is in the giving.

But I am a bit stuck. I have been on all my favorite sites... Anthropologie, Gap, Forever 21, Urban Outfitters... but there haven't been many things that struck my fancy. Grr. So the list above was the best I can do. I have a lot of cardigans on there because it is one of the few things I can wear year round in Edinburgh. Usually there are hundreds of things that I want and as I am just starting out freelancing funds are not that abundant for Billy and me. Billy had his list done well before me. But his birthday is on Dec. 23rd so his was a combo list.

For my mom this year, I want to make her a few things. I know its getting late in the game but I haven't had time to think about this. I think I will make her this makeup brush bag or something else sewn. I embroidered her this months ago and I have a skirt I bought in Madrid and tulip bulbs in a naff porcelain clog from Amsterdam. But I can never have enough stuff for my momma. She loves to garden so I guess maybe a gardening apron like this.

So much to do.

November 27, 2010


We celebrated our Thanksgiving on the day after the actual turkey day as it is not a holiday in the UK. Boo. They are still mad we got away from them! But Billy got to learn all about US history when Ted (Edinburgh via San Francisco) and his 9 year-old daughter Keara joined us for the meal.

Which president made it an official holiday? Abraham Lincoln! See you're learning too. But this year I decided to try and make a few things that I usually get shipped over from scratch.

First was the all important pumpkin pie. I wrote the recipe down without bookmarking it so I'm not sure which one it was. But I bought a pumpkin, roasted it for an hour, peeled it and pureed it. I made the dough from scratch too. It came out a bit too jiggly but it tasted amazing. Definitely much better than using the canned stuff. The taste was more authentic.

The crescent roll are a must on my Thanksgiving table. At one point in my life I remember having a sliver of turkey, a small heap of mashed potatoes and corn and about 6 crescent rolls! I love it so much that I eat the raw dough straight out of the pack. I know its gross but mm so good.

Well my first batch of dough decided it didn't want to rise. So my lovely husband stepped in and used his bread making magic (he makes us pizza from scratch on a regular basis) and made the perfect crescent roll. It was much bigger than the store bought kind and oh so good. Everyone should try and make it themselves. Billy had to switch around the recipe a bit as it came out too wet when I made it.

And to top it all off it started snowing just before Ted and Keara had to leave. It was a perfect Thanksgiving. The only thing that would have made it better is if my momma was there to enjoy it with us. You can see the rest of my photos from the night on my flickr account.

November 14, 2010

Birthday and Incompleted Items...

Friday was my birthday. 31 is a very very scary number especially when your husband is still 29 (for another month anyway). But I got two huge boxes shipped over from my momma in the states and as always she thoroughly spoiled me rotten. My darling husband baked me lasagna and cupcakes mmm.

But I feel bad because I haven't added much to this blog lately. I feel guilty crafting when I should be a) trying to get freelance jobs and b) studying for my "Life in the UK" test that I have to take in December in order to get my Visa renewed. Boo. But I have done some things.

I finished my first dress in class on Thursday but I need to photograph it still. I have made three mini stockings for my Christmas tree (I know I'm starting early but it will take me ages to make the 12 I want to complete). I am working on fingerless gloves and I completed one sock for my husband. The first one was for our anniversary and I'll make the second for Christmas or his birthday (its Dec 23rd).

So hopefully I'll have photographs to add soon. But for now I'll just have a photo of my birthday cupcake.

November 3, 2010

My new job!

Well, this is my first official week of freelancing. So far I've spent hours at my computer sending out emails to pr companies. I love pr people because, gasp, they actually reply to my emails! I've gotten quite a few replies and they are all really positive. I'm used to sending stuff to press people who rarely bother to reply.

So I am registered as Su Anderson Photography with Her Majestsy's Revenue and Customs. I have public liability insurance and I even had a meeting with a guy about advertising. So business like!

Now I just need to actually get work. Fingers crossed.