I can't believe it's almost been a month since I’ve posted anything. Tsk tsk me. I finally have the essentials in life:
*a sofa
*a mattress (no bed frame yet because IKEA recalled it for “quality” reasons)
*Sky (essentially its cable but you can pick different packages- we chose culture and music)
*all of my things from my Edinburgh flat (more on that in a bit)
There is one essential I don’t have though… MY HUSBAND!! Billy got a job! (Yayayaya happy dance) His job is in London and he starts on September 12. So at least I know I will have my husband soon.
On Saturday we went and picked up our moving van and had to upgrade because we underestimated the amount of stuff we own (I moved over here with only two suitcases and that was only 2 ½ years ago). I loved loved loved driving the metal mammoth around which makes me rethink the kind of person I am. I guess it’s the redneck in me coming out.
It took us 3 hours to load all our stuff from our 2nd floor (3rd floor if you’re in the states) Victorian tenement flat (i.e. loads of stairs). We got on the road at 1pm and got into our new place at 9pm. Phew and if that’s not enough we (meaning mostly Billy) unloading half of the truck right then. I really do have a superman husband.
So now our 2nd bedroom has a futon and loads of boxes that I need to sort through in time for our first visitor in October. Now I have to figure out how to decorate my lovely new home. We have tripled the size of our lounge and halfed the size of our bedroom but we also have a balcony which we love. It’s so nice having an outdoor space all to ourselves.
I really desperately want to furnish the rest of our flat in antiques found in this incredible English countryside. I want an old farm table for our dining area to break up the inevitable IKEA furniture so there’s a good mix of old and new. I am however feeling very overwhelmed when I look for ideas online and see such incredible décor creations. I am crafty but I am also impatient and get bored very quick. So we’ll see how long it takes. Oh and we’re still renting so we have to be delicate with our multitude of frames so I’m trying out the Command adhesive hooks (fingers crossed).
I don’t have any photos yet of the before so instead I put up a random photo of my hero.