Phew a lot has happened since the last time I posted. I did finish my crochet project, which was actually a baby blanket for my best friend Jess who is about to ‘pop her sprog’. I took a finished photo quickly on my phone but unfortunately I lost my phone on the plane when Billy and I went to NYC for Jess’ wedding.
Well, I’ve gotten a new iPhone since then so all is good, but I’ll need to wait til baby J is born to get a photo with her/him with it.
NYC was INCREDIBLE!! I got to see friends from university that I haven’t seen in six years and my photo professor was there. It was pretty cool to see two of my favorite people marry each other. Jess’ husband is my friend Eric and we’ve all known each other since our London semester abroad. They were in the dance club the night I met my husband and it was Jess who pushed me out on the dance floor because I was too shy to dance with Billy. So yeah Thanks Jess!!
This photo is of Billy, me and our friend Natalia. She works for MSNBC as a photo editor and (score) she works at 30 Rock!! She even rode the lift with Tina Fey. Okay when she offered to give us a tour of the building I did swoon a bit. The SNL set, Jimmy Kimmel Live, Brian Williams and incredibly cool remnants of Jim Henson on the pipes. So good. We also took a sunset trip to the Top of the Rock. Honestly forget the Empire State Building because the view from here you could see all of New York in all its majestic beauty.
I only shot film while abroad which though it’s developed I need to get a scanner to upload it all. I have a Hasselblad that is my baby and since I shoot digital every day I am only too eager to break out my Hassie. I’m too impatient though and I keep holding up my negatives up to the light to check them out.
Ps I meant to post this a week and a half ago but I forgot and then I got sick and couldn’t look at my computer for a while as my head was aching. Boo.
Loverly post Su ♥!